Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ok, so do you do this too... get so obsessed about something that you do NOTHING else, but that one thing?  Let me explain...

So, I'm IMing with my buddy, I'm checking out my "feedjit" thingy on here & see someone came to my blog from another blog.  Hey, cool, that blog name sounds familiar, but I can't remember who it belongs to.  I click on THAT blog & start reading.  HOLY COW, it's hilarious, I'm totally LOL.  I'm sharing it with my "buddy", (she didn't read it as closely as I did, but I'll cut her some slack, she's on the east coast & well, she SHOULD be sleeping, but she's cold... whatever) anyway, so, I read more & more & the more I read, the more I'm laughing, but I STILL can't figure out who the heck it is that wrote it.  I decide to play detective... I start out by going to SS & doing a search on the blogroll, nope, nothing, okay, next step, ( I dont' remember what I did next) all I know is that it's now 11:30 & I STILL have NO FREAKIN CLUE WHO THE HECK WROTE THAT BLOG!!!  I'm tellin ya, it's driving me crazy!  I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.  My "buddy" says it's all a conspiracy, I'm startin to believe her!  She's probably in on it too.  Hmmm, guess I should look into THAT too.  I'm tellin ya, I am NOT getting any sleep until this is figured out!

I even tried to google the blog, nope, came up with a big ol blank.  I keep threatening that I'm going to post a thread on SS just asking the person to "out" themselves.  (She doesn't have a profile on her blog... see why we think it's a conspiracy)?!  The REALLY weird thing is... she has ME (well, my blog anyway) listed as one of her blog list.  The poor thing, she'll probably never come clean now, she's going to think I'm stalking her & now that I've posted this, I'm sure I've scared the living stuffing out of her.

UGH, okay, please tell me I'm not the only one that obsesses over stuff like this!
Off to hire me a good Private Investigator to solve this mystery for me...

Ok, I'm getting yelled at because I didn't tell "her" name, so for those that want to play detective with, or for me, here ya go...

I REALLY hope this person doesn't get upset that I just linked her blog to this.  YIKES!  (I also hope she doesn't delete me from her list).

More pics...





Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Princess...

Ok, I wasn't necessarily going to post this, but it was so funny, I decided I wanted to. So, The Princess comes in this morning & tells me that she's "wet" & wants to take a splashy. Alrighty then! I go put her in the tub, get her dressed & decide to try something new & different for her hair today. I saw this & finally decided to give it a try today (a run through for tomorrow's church do). I got all done, got her down off the bathroom counter & told her she could go play. NOPE, wasn't gonna happen, she wanted pics taken of her hair first! LOL I swear, this child is definitely MINE!

Anyway, here are her pics...
1. Side view...

2. Back view...

3. Did you get them all?
Have I told you how much I love my girlie girl?!

More Family Pics

Here are some of the "real" pics that were taken last wknd. I'm only going to share a few today, I'll save the rest for another day.

Here are some of the Princess with her cousin...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hectic days & nights...

This is officially the start of "hectic season" here at our house. I have 1 in football & 1 in soccer, 2 in scouts (+ me too), 3 in school & all 6 of us busy with church & our callings there. Yep, it's crazy, but we LOVE it! We have 1 day a week where we have NOTHING going on. That is officially going to be our "Family fun time". Not sure what we will be doing, maybe just hanging out here & playing games, or watching a movie, but it's going to be family time.

Ok, so we made a (I think) pretty big decision here on Friday afternoon. It's going to simplify things for all of us, (well, okay, really just for me, but hey, that's all that matters, right)?! Here's a little background...

A new school is opening up a few blocks away from us. Bubby is to be going there, C-man gets to stay at the "old" school since he'll be a 5th grader. I have REALLy fought with the decision all summer about sending bubs. I LOVE the Principal at the new school, love the location etc, BUT, I had some MAJOR concerns about some other things. One of those concerns being how the heck am I supposed to get 3 kids to 3 schools @ 2 different times? Because C is now "out of district" I have to provide transportation. Bubby gets to take the bus, but it would still be tough getting them all out the door at 3 different times etc. Anyway, while talking to D's teacher from last year, she convinced me that I really am NOT Wonder Woman (who woulda thought) & I am INSANE for even trying to do it all. Ok, well, she needed help totally convincing me, so, off we went to Gail (B had both of these teachers for 1st & 2nd grade). After spending lots of time chatting I started working on the switch. The funny thing was, I walked into the school that afternoon feeling like I had made the decision & was feeling okay with it. HA! Guess that's what happens when Gail & Jill get ahold of me huh?! To make a long story short, after more thinking, more phone calls & even more trips to the school... it is now official... BUBBY IS GOING TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS C-MAN!!! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this. D will get (we had to even get HER permission lol) Gail as a teacher, she will be PERFECT for him. (He is a hard one to place). I just now got off the phone with the school sec who said "yep, it's official, he's ON her class list, I just placed him"!!! What an answer to my prayers. I am so excited for school to start next week, I know my boys are in good hands & will have great years.

Ok, I'm off to sign all 3 boys up for basketball... luckily that doesn't start until after football & soccer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Pics...

I don't know about you, but trying to get family pics is an absolute nightmare at my house. Of course, even the mention of pics has my entire family screaming & running, it's pathetic actually! So of course, I got it in my head that these HAD to be done today. I set it up with my SIL to meet us at my MIL's house so she could be our photographer. Now, I was already getting the attitude from the boys, but you know who was the worst? MY HUBBY!!! He HATES his picture taken more than anything. Sorry, I don't really care. We haven't had pics done since before Bubby's 1st birthday (umm, he's now 6 1/2)! Yeah, I would say we were BEYOND over due at this point!

Of course, I had to "plan" out every little detail (like how I was going to do the Princess' hair)! LOL I mean, like what we were going to wear!!! When the boys heard/saw what they were going to have to wear, I swear, you would have thought I was making them wear dresses, all while cutting off their own limbs with a butter knife. Yes, it was that bad! No, I didn't give in!

Anyway, the pics turned out great, I'm SO excited to get the "real" shots tomorrow. These are some that my niece took while standing behind her mom, & some I took while we were just hanging out. Here ya go...

Prince Charming & I...

The "boys"...

The "girls"...

Tickle time...


A fun one of all 6 of us...

My FAV out of all of them...

I can't wait to get the CD of the rest of them tomorrow, it's going to be so much fun going through them & then the hard part of deciding which one(s) I want blown up to frame.

Hopefully we won't have to wait quite so long before we do it all again, (but I'm CERTAINLY not holding my breath while I'm waiting)! LOL

Friday, August 22, 2008

This is SO cool!

I'm hoping I can get this figured out so it'll work.  This video is so cool, I had all 5 kids standing here totally fascinated by it.  It was really neat.  Kind of long, but worth it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cool experience tonight...

In our ward, we have an ER nurse pract.  He held a "physical" night for all the boys going to boy scout camp that needed them, free of charge.  The boys were able to show up at the church & "J" would give them a physical & sign their papers.

Sunday, a sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers to help him out, he was doing the same type of thing tonight.  I assumed it was more for the girls, or maybe some of the boys that needed them, but weren't able to make it last time.  I signed up, not sure what I would be doing, but figured if nothing else, it would get me out of the house.

I showed up at the church tonight ready to help wherever they needed me.  What I didn't know, until then, was that this was open for the entire community.  He put an ad in the paper, asked some other doctors to volunteer their time & talents & they went about setting up the church to be a "health clinic".  I was BEYOND impressed!  We figured there were around 40 kids tonight that were given FREE sports physicals.

It was such a neat thing to be a part of.  I didn't do much, I was one of the "tour guides", I got to take the kids from 1 "station" to another.  It was VERY well organized & ran extremely smooth. I was talking to J's wife (who made sure everything ran smoothly) & told her about my friend who has 3 boys that need physicals, but wouldn't be there tonight.  (It's the first anniversary of her hubby's death).  I was told to get ahold of my friend, find out what her weekend looks like, & J would be more than willing to get the boys taken care of.   WOW!  It is so nice to know that there are still good people out there willing to do what they can to help others.

J didn't gain anything from doing this, he didn't earn 1 cent, he did it because he loves what he does, loves kids & saw this as a way he could help.  I am so glad that I got to be a part of this, it was such a neat feeling knowing what this did & meant to some of these families.

I can't wait for him to do this again next year (that's his plan already) so I can help out again!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cousin relationships

My sister has 5 kids, 1 boy & 4 girls.  Whenever Conner needs "boy time", she sends him my way, where else can he get all the rough & tumble into his system, than at my testosterone filled house?!  Conner is the same age as C-Man, but he gets along with all 3 of my boys (well, him & D have their issues, but even that is getting better).  We have Conner this week, his dad dropped him off with us last Sat & someone will come get him this Sat (I think).  

These boys have spent their days shooting each other & just having a blast!  Our backyard is a full fledged war zone for their air soft "battles".  Seriously, they would be out there at 8am every morning if I let them.  (I make them wait until at least 9).  They come in only to play some shoot em up video game, then head back out to battle it out again.  A few times, they have gotten on their bikes, & they even played basketball for a few minutes.  Oh, the other thing they have been doing is hanging out in our "band room", playing the drums & guitar.  Oh, & who can forget the wonderful game "rug burn" that my boys have made up?!  

Yeah, I would say, Goldfish, mission accomplished, Conner has gotten TONS of "boy time" in this week.  Oh, I have to tell this little story about him though, I was laughing so hard (NOT at him, I actually felt sorry for him...) so Princess was dipping a spoon (fork?) into a cup & then "brushing" her hair.  Conner asked if she had been watching "Ariel".  Him & I then talked about the "dinglehopper" & how silly Princess was being.  My boys, (jaws on the floor at this point) asked Conner how in the world he knew what a "dinglehopper" was & why was he watching the Little Mermaid (I had to tell them that's who Ariel was).  Poor Conner, tried to figure out how to get out of that one!  I stepped in & reminded my boys that Conner is TOTALLY out numbered at his house & probably doesn't get much choice in what is on the TV with that many sisters!!!  Man, my poor little Princess, is this what she'll be going through a few years from now when I send her to Goldfish's for some "girl time"?!  She'll be able to go on & on about the "old time" rock stars Daddy likes, or the newest shoot em up video game, or even talk for hours about the Lakers & their stats for the season, but be completely clueless on who the newest Hannah Montana is, or who the Jonas Brothers are?!

All in all, it's been a great week.  We LOVE having our cousins spend time with us.  We may not have the coolest house, or the most $, or even the best home cooked (ok, or ANY of those) meals, but ya know, we do know how to have fun!  I love watching the relationships grow as the kids all get older.  I hope & pray that they always are close & that they cherish these fun memories.  

I have TONS of memories of spending time with my cousins growing up, I have lots of stories I could tell.  I am closer to some cousins & have more memories of them because I saw them more often, but I hold close to my heart, all of my cousins & am so glad we are not only family, but friends!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Crazy weather... Crazy kids!

So yesterday, it was HOT, like in the 100's hot.  Middle of the night, total thunder storm.  At some point, I got woken up by some big crash, no doubt, the boys' barricades were getting blown down in the back yard.  Wonderful, wonder how many of our neighbors got woken thinking something was exploding lol.  Anyway, I was sitting here at the computer & all of a sudden the office got pitch dark, I swear, within seconds, it was hailing like crazy! Of course, the boys HAD to go play out there.  Actually, I think they were already out there when it started. Being the wonderful mom & aunt that I am, I wouldn't let the boys come in, I wanted pictures!!! I literally blocked the door & made them go play.

They were hesitant at first, then decided it was pretty fun. Conner insisted on having a "HAIL FIGHT" & they all ran around picking up & throwing hail at each other. They had a BLAST! Here are just a few of the many pics I snapped as they were running around.

B was the first one out there, this is when it first started, I don't think I've ever seen him run so fast LOL...

Here is C-Man & Conner, look at their shirts & how wet they are, keep in mind, it only hailed for MAYBE 2 minutes & rained about the same...

D in our very own "waterfall"...

C-Man & Conner in the middle of their "war"...

Here's Bubby throwing a "hail ball"...

Another of C-Man, look at his shirt!...

Yep, my sis & I have CRAZY KIDS, but we love em!

***disclaimer*** yes, I KNOW Bubby's shirt is on inside out & backwards, he tried going without it on like Bonez, but decided it was way too cold & painful, so just grabbed it & threw it on so he wouldn't miss the action.  I also know my yard looks like white trash, that's because the boys have turned it into a "war zone" for air softing.  No wonder we're the "popular" house, who else in their right mind would let the kids do this?!  No wonder I have such crazy kids!!! LOL

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our busy day & pool problems...

C-Man & I snuck out of the house early this morning to go to the "great giveaway" the church was having.  What is that you ask?  Let me tell you... our stake (church) collects used items that are in excellent condition & then has a big giveaway for the community.  I took 3 boxes of clothes down yesterday to be sorted & approved (lol) so we went back today to see if there was anything we wanted.  I SCORED this morning!  I ended up with a TON of stuff, shoes, sweaters, a jacket for me, a SWEET Ralph Lauren down jacket for the Princess, jeans, t-shirts, dresses, & lots of other "stuff" too.  The best thing about it?  It was all FREE!  Yep, you read that right, F.R.E.E (that spells free...)lol  Anyway, they have classrooms set up with different categories, holiday stuff in 1, maternity & infant up to age 2 in another, etc.  So actually, you get to go "shop" in the different classrooms.  They even hand out big garbage bags so you don't have to walk around with big ol piles of stuff.  Anyway, it's super cool & always a BIG success.  Needless to say, I've been doing laundry all day today. LOL

Ok, after I got home, my sis called to let me know they were on their way to drop off my nephew for the week.  Well, SHE wasn't dropping him off, her DH was.  We did the "passing of the child" & then Mike took off.  It was SO hot at that point, that we all headed to the pool.  We had a BLAST!  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so didn't get any pics, the good thing is, Conner will be here for the whole week, so lots of opportunities will be coming up.  Anyway, Prince Charming decided to take off, so him, Princess & Bonez left to run an errand & would come back to pick us up.  (WAY too hot to walk home & SOMEbody didn't have shoes).  They took off & I decided to jump in the pool.  Well... as I was walking past the steps, I noticed...
hoping & praying it wasn't what I thought it was, I went to the other end & just floated on my board thing.  (I did NOT get in the water)!  A little bit later, we all decided we had a pretty good idea of what "it" was... (none of the boys were in the big pool, so they were "safe").  Ok, at this point, I was so beyond disgusted, I got out & took a super long shower & told the boys that they were NOT to get in the big pool.  UGH, it was DISGUSTING!!!  I'm just hoping that by Monday, it's been taken care of!  Needless to say, we headed back home as soon as PC showed up.  

The funny thing is, they boys BEGGED me to take them back this afternoon, ummm, nope, not gonna happen, sorry.  I had to remind them WHY we couldn't go swimming  "Oh yeah, that's so GROSS"!!!

The kids have had so much fun hanging out with their cousin, we don't get to spend a lot of time with him, so this will be a fun week for them.  So far they've gone swimming, played basketball, played a million rounds of air soft, played video games, played in the band room, watched the Olympics, played on their bikes & rip stick, scooters etc, played a few card games & eaten.  Whew, I get tired just thinking about it all.  They should all sleep well tonight!

Friday, August 15, 2008

NOT a great week...

Ok, I've purposely not written anything because, well, to be honest, I've been in a TICKED off mood & just didn't feel like trying to be all happy on here.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'll give you the quick update on our week (well, from Tues on anyway).

Tues: our anniversary... we did NOTHING, Mike's BFF came & decided he wanted to hang out until 9 that night. 'Nuff said.

Wed: C-Man & I went to go pick up his "equipment", I guess I'm now officially, a "Football Mom". YIKES! I do NOT think I'm ready for this one. He is SO excited though. I will DEFINITELY be blogging about this season, that's for sure.
After we got that out of the way, we headed over to the cub scout end of summer BBQ. We had a HUGE turnout, much better than we planned on (we even had to make a quick trip to the store for more food). I'll be over the Webloes this year, I'm pretty excited about working with C-Man, that will be fun. Everyone seemed to have a great time, so I would say it was a success. C-Man & I headed home & got a call saying our Bermuda friends were on their way to say their goodbyes. They only stayed a few minutes, but we had fun. I am SO bummed we didn't get to do more while they were here. I already miss them. 
Mike's "band" was here & well, let's just say, one of the guys literally had me in tears & they couldn't leave fast enough for me at that point. Again, 'nuff said!

Thurs: Took Princess in to the dr. (made me look like an idiot) she has molars coming in & a viral sore throat. Nothing they can do. 
I didn't leave the house again, I literally held her the entire day while she cried. Yeah, NOT my idea of a great day, that's for sure!

Fri: Well, I am happy to say that I actually made it through the week. Bonez had a friend over, so we headed out to the pool. We spent the afternoon hangin out there until Princess decided she had had enough. (She's feeling better, but still not 100%). I now have 2 extra kids over here, but since I threatened them about being loud, they are all quietly watching a movie now. LOL I'll be heading out soon to the "great giveaway" at the church, I have a bunch of clothes to give away.

I'm getting my nephew sometime tomorrow, he'll be hanging out with us for 1 week, we are SO excited to have him. He's a great kid & gets along with the boys so it's fun for everyone. His mom says he needs "boy time", that's why he comes to visit. He's the oldest & has 4 younger sisters. Once we get him "toughened back up" we'll send him back home. LOL

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, I forgot, Bonez is in a "band" with some friends, they all had practice over here & then decided they wanted to stay the night, I got some shots of them playing rock band (no, that's NOT the band they are really in) so I'll add a few of those pics too.

Here's hoping for a MUCH better week.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kids, sickness & "special" occasions...

What is it about kids getting sick ONLY when something else is going on? Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. We don't have the $ this year to do gifts, but we decided we could afford to go out to dinner. I was actually excited & looking forward to getting out of here without the kids. A real, live "date". Can't tell you the last time THAT happened!

Sunday evening Princess started feeling "yucky", nothing I could put my finger on, but she just wasn't herself. Well, in the last couple of days, she's gone from bad to worse. High fever, lethargic, refuses to eat, or drink, just M.I.S.E.R.A.B.L.E! She's been taking 2-3 naps a day, this coming from the child that gave up daily naps right around her 1st b day.

Needless to say, we are NOT going out tonight. I can't leave her with Bonez, (or anyone else either) at this point. You know, its times like this, I wish my parent's lived closer, I would feel okay with leaving her with Gammy. Papa could even watch the boys if he wanted. But, since that isn't an option, we are staying home & watching Dora (again) since that's the only thing that gets her to stop crying.

Yay, Happy Anniversary to us! Hopefully next year will be better! (Luckily we have lots more years to make up for today)!

No, I haven't taken her in to the Dr. either, I'll see how she's doing & if I don't see an improvement by Thursday, I'll take her then. I did manage to get her to eat a popsicle today, so that in itself is HUGE.

Long distance friends...

Ok, I KNOW I promised I would give details from this weekend, I'm just now getting to it, sorry!

We have some GREAT friends (our BFF's) that live in Bermuda. The last time we saw them I was pregnant with the Princess. They are here in town for the week, Kris & I have been counting down the days until they got here. They pulled in to town Friday afternoon & we got to go hang out & spend the day with them on Saturday.

We let the kids swim, play mini golf & just hang out & have fun. Here are a few (ok, a lot) of pics I took as I followed them around. LOL

Bubby in the hottub...

Their DD golfing...

C-Man "blowing" his ball, hoping to get it to go into the hole...

Bub's turn... (he did it the right way though)

All 4 kids (remember, Bonez wasn't there, he was still in Wyoming on the trek) taking a break...

The 3 golfers...

The Princess...

Now the the rest of the day... Kris had asked me to help her get everyone together & host a BBQ for them while they were here. Honestly, I wanted to be selfish & not do it, I didn't want to share the short amount of time we were going to have, but, I did it, like my hubby kept telling me... "It's NOT about you, it's about THEM" (yeah, whatever). So, like a good friend, I invited a bunch of people.

We were getting everything ready when we got a phone call saying Bonez would be at the church in 15 minutes so we needed to pick him up. Ok, I left & ran back into town, well... when I got to the church, found out that B was NOT there & was still at least an hour or so out. UGH! My entire family is waiting for me at the Inn, waiting for me to bring them sweatshirts since it was now freezing. I was STARVING too. The Inn is too far away to just run back up there, by the time I would have made it, it would have been time to be back at the church. I decided to wait it out. I ended up waiting 1.5 hours for him! Needless to say, by the time I got back to the BBQ that *I* was hosting, it was over. There were a few people left, but no food, & it was pitch black out. We stuck around a little longer, helped clean up & then headed back home. Yep, I missed the whole BBQ. I didn't even get to see Kris either when I went back. She was headed to the pool to check on the kids & we left by the time she came back. I did get to hang out with her sister (she actually cooked me a burger) & I got to say "hi & bye" to a couple of friends as they were leaving.

I heard it was a success & there was a lot of fun, friends & food. I just wish I could have been a part of it. I guess there's always next time... lol

Anyway, that was my weekend. They leave on Thursday & I am SO bummed! I miss them so much & forget how close & how much fun we have when we're together. Guess I should start saving my cans for a trip to Bermuda huh?!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blog Challenge...

This week's challenge comes from my friend Traci...

I've come to realize that I spend too much time being my own critic. I can easily pick out my own flaws. I don't think I'm alone in this habit, I believe that we all have this same tendency.

My challenge to you is this: Tell me what your own favorite character trait/ability is. Tell me all about it and how you affect others through it. If you honestly can't pick out your own strengths then I'll give you an easy way out. Just ask the 3 people closest to you to pick one for you. Then blog about those. I'll even give you permission to quote them. I'm sure that you'll find out that you can love what they love about you...

Ok, I had to think about this one, but I found my answer. My favorite character trait/ability of mine is... the fact that I'm dependable. I follow through on whatever it is I'm asked/expected to do & I give my 100%.

I think I've always taken advantage of that, just assuming everyone followed through, the older I get, the more I realize that is NOT the case. I've noticed it happen quite a bit. *I* don't understand it. I take after my mom I guess, it's something I take seriously. If I am asked to do something, I make sure it's done & follow it through to the end.

I could go into lots of examples of people not following through, & then about how I, or someone else had to "pick up the slack", but I'm not going to. I'm just going to leave it at knowing that *I* am glad it's something that I can & do do. It's something I'm not taking for granted anymore, its something I won't, or don't "gloat" about, but I am proud to know that others can depend on me.

So, there you have it, my own, personal favorite character trait of myself.

So, what about you? What is yours?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

He's home!!!

Ok, it's late & I'm exhausted so you'll just have to wait until I have more time & energy to get a REAL update. LOL BUT, I just wanted everyone to know that Bonez made it home from the trek. He's been gone since 4am Monday morning. It was so good to see him climb out of the car when I met him at the church. I'm glad he went & had a good time, but I'm so glad he's home. I really missed him. It's so nice to have our family back together again.

We had an INCREDIBLE day today, but again, I'll give details & add pics later.

Stay tuned!

Another daredevil in the family?!

YIKES!  So, we're watching Bubby's last baseball game & I guess the Princess decided she couldn't see him well enough, or maybe she just wanted to see if she could do it, who the heck knows. What I DO know is, this is what the little monkey accomplished in the blink of an eye...

Ok, these have nothing to do with her being a daredevil, I just thought they were cute & since it's my blog, I get to share.

The "TICKLE MONSTER" is coming...

I love seeing the relationship between my Prince Charming & our Little Brown eyed Princess. They have so much fun together. She adores her Daddy & she has him wrapped around her little finger! Even though she is "MY" little girl, I hope they always have a great & close relationship!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hockey BBQ...

We always celebrate the end of the hockey season with a BBQ, this is something I always look forward to. I really enjoy the parents & I LOVE seeing the kids enjoy & get to know their teammates off the rink. A great time was had by all. Here are a few of the fun shots I took...

Princess wanted to show that she was a "big girl" so she watched & learned how to roll down the hill...

C-Man just coming off a jump off the ramp...

Shootin some pool... (B is behind the table & Bubby is in the white t)

Just scootin along...

Last hockey tourney of the season...

All 3 of our age divisions did GREAT.  They all made it to the championships, both the 12u & 10u teams took home the GOLD, the 8u got the silver.  That game went into OT & was GREAT, such a fun game to watch.  Final score: 9-8.

Here are some random pics of the boys from the weekend...

B fighting for the puck...

Getting ready to score...

Wildfire 12u CHAMPS...

C-Man #19...

Waiting for his "GOLD"...

Wildfire 8u team (minus 1)...

It was another GREAT season, lots of growing & learning & of course, tons of FUN! Can't wait for next year so we can do it all again. GO WILDFIRE!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boys newest "obsession"...

I know it's been a while since I've actually written a "real" post with pics, so, thought I would share some of what we've been up too lately.

Bonez sold some stuff on ebay & decided he wanted to spend his $ on air soft guns. He had "played" 1 time with some friends, but they only got to play 1 "round" before it started raining. I wasn't totally on board with this, NOT because I didn't want them to play, BUT, *I* didn't feel he needed to spend THAT much $ on a gun. (This is why B put Daddy in charge) LOL. Bonez even bought enough guns so he could play with his brothers & even have an extra for a friend.

Anyway, it's been a HUGE hit, they only got to play a little bit since we had a hockey tourney, but that certainly didn't stop them from turning my backyard into a war zone!

Here are just a few of the pics I snapped of them playing...

C-Man taking cover...

Bonez & C-Man hiding from Daddy & little brother...

& the winner is...

Bubby taking aim...

Daddy gets in on the action...

Run Bonez, Run!