Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boys newest "obsession"...

I know it's been a while since I've actually written a "real" post with pics, so, thought I would share some of what we've been up too lately.

Bonez sold some stuff on ebay & decided he wanted to spend his $ on air soft guns. He had "played" 1 time with some friends, but they only got to play 1 "round" before it started raining. I wasn't totally on board with this, NOT because I didn't want them to play, BUT, *I* didn't feel he needed to spend THAT much $ on a gun. (This is why B put Daddy in charge) LOL. Bonez even bought enough guns so he could play with his brothers & even have an extra for a friend.

Anyway, it's been a HUGE hit, they only got to play a little bit since we had a hockey tourney, but that certainly didn't stop them from turning my backyard into a war zone!

Here are just a few of the pics I snapped of them playing...

C-Man taking cover...

Bonez & C-Man hiding from Daddy & little brother...

& the winner is...

Bubby taking aim...

Daddy gets in on the action...

Run Bonez, Run!


Amanda said...

Boys will be boys!!! Even the big ones can't resist :)

Sherry said...

That's cool. A friend of ours just came back from camp where he was introduced to those (in Oregon actually) and I'm glad to see what they are now. =] Looks like a good investment!

1boy4girls said...

When can we bring Conner over? Maybe the week after camping? We'll just swing by there on the way home and dump him with you. He's got a couple guns too. Oh my goodness, he'd be in testosterone heaven!!! serious! let's drop him there!

Elora said...

you guys sure do know how to have fun.