Friday, August 15, 2008

NOT a great week...

Ok, I've purposely not written anything because, well, to be honest, I've been in a TICKED off mood & just didn't feel like trying to be all happy on here.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'll give you the quick update on our week (well, from Tues on anyway).

Tues: our anniversary... we did NOTHING, Mike's BFF came & decided he wanted to hang out until 9 that night. 'Nuff said.

Wed: C-Man & I went to go pick up his "equipment", I guess I'm now officially, a "Football Mom". YIKES! I do NOT think I'm ready for this one. He is SO excited though. I will DEFINITELY be blogging about this season, that's for sure.
After we got that out of the way, we headed over to the cub scout end of summer BBQ. We had a HUGE turnout, much better than we planned on (we even had to make a quick trip to the store for more food). I'll be over the Webloes this year, I'm pretty excited about working with C-Man, that will be fun. Everyone seemed to have a great time, so I would say it was a success. C-Man & I headed home & got a call saying our Bermuda friends were on their way to say their goodbyes. They only stayed a few minutes, but we had fun. I am SO bummed we didn't get to do more while they were here. I already miss them. 
Mike's "band" was here & well, let's just say, one of the guys literally had me in tears & they couldn't leave fast enough for me at that point. Again, 'nuff said!

Thurs: Took Princess in to the dr. (made me look like an idiot) she has molars coming in & a viral sore throat. Nothing they can do. 
I didn't leave the house again, I literally held her the entire day while she cried. Yeah, NOT my idea of a great day, that's for sure!

Fri: Well, I am happy to say that I actually made it through the week. Bonez had a friend over, so we headed out to the pool. We spent the afternoon hangin out there until Princess decided she had had enough. (She's feeling better, but still not 100%). I now have 2 extra kids over here, but since I threatened them about being loud, they are all quietly watching a movie now. LOL I'll be heading out soon to the "great giveaway" at the church, I have a bunch of clothes to give away.

I'm getting my nephew sometime tomorrow, he'll be hanging out with us for 1 week, we are SO excited to have him. He's a great kid & gets along with the boys so it's fun for everyone. His mom says he needs "boy time", that's why he comes to visit. He's the oldest & has 4 younger sisters. Once we get him "toughened back up" we'll send him back home. LOL

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, I forgot, Bonez is in a "band" with some friends, they all had practice over here & then decided they wanted to stay the night, I got some shots of them playing rock band (no, that's NOT the band they are really in) so I'll add a few of those pics too.

Here's hoping for a MUCH better week.


Amanda said...

C looks so little with those big 'ol pads on! Yikes! Sorry you had such a rough week, here's hoping this one is a whole lot better.