Friday, July 25, 2008

Princess Pics at the park

So I'm too cheap (read: poor) to take the Princess in for professional shots. Not a huge deal, I have 2 cameras & all the time in the world, (well, okay, not really, but still). I got her all dressed today & since she looked cute, I decided to take her with me to run errands (yeah, I know, I'm shallow, I like to show her off, oh well, such is life). Anyway, on our way downtown, I decided to switch lanes at the last (VERY last) minute & go to the parks & rec office. They have the most beautiful setting next to their offices, I've always wanted to take the kids there for pics, but have never done it. Well, that changed today! I pulled in, parked & we got out & started walking. Princess was WAY more interested in the water than she was in my camera, but I still think I got some cute shots in. Here are a few of my favs from today's photo shoot. Oh, & BTW Brandi, these are for you... this is what her hair USUALLY looks like during the day! LOL

There's another spot I want to try out next, I just have to make the time to go & hope she's in a more cooperative mood.  I also want to go do family pics with another friend & her family, I'll just have to REALLY work on Prince Charming, he HATES pics!  I'll definitely post if we get them done.


Elora said...

OH, she is so so cute. i LOVE what she is wearing...... i might (MIGHT) even wear something like that because it is so cute. but probably not. dont count on it.

love the pics bye


1boy4girls said...

Too cute!!!